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Gymnastics Intra-House Competition

In Spring 1, all years took part in the gymnastics intra-house competition.

EYFS-Year 4 showcased their knowledge of shapes and balances using different equipment, while Years 5 and 6 were scored on vault, springboard, tumble and beam performances. Everyone performed incredibly and we are so impressed with your gymnastic skills! A special thank you to the Year 5 and 6 children that helped to run the sessions- you were supportive, kind and helpful as always! 

After much anticipation, the results are in:

4th- Peake

3rd- Sharman

2nd- Jemison

1st- Armstrong

Some comments from the intrahouse sessions:

"I enjoyed today because the activities were very fun!"- Y1

"I was astounded by the scores!"- Y6

"The children were all very kind and well-behaved!"- Y6

"It was very competitive!"- Y6 

"Very enjoyable, very fun and I cheered on my team!"- Y1