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At Keep Hatch, we believe that the emotional well-being of children is as important as their physical health and we work hard to look after the well-being of our pupils. Research shows that good mental health in children helps them to develop the resilience to cope with life’s challenges and it helps them to grow into well-rounded, healthy adults.

There are many things that we teach our children that can help them to keep mentally well and these include:

  • Regular physical activity and eating a balanced diet
  • Having time to play both indoors and outdoors
  • Being a part of a family that gets along well most of the time
  • Taking part in local activities and clubs for young people

There are some other things that are also really important for healthy well-being in children and these include:

  • Feeling valued, safe, loved, trusted and understood
  • Being able to learn and having regular opportunities to succeed
  • Having a strong sense of belonging in their family, school and clubs to which they might belong
  • Being able to accept who they are and what they are good at
  • Having the strength to cope when something is wrong (resilience) and the ability to solve problems

Below are lots of different activities and links which we hope will help you to help your child/children and you to manage well-being during difficult times. If you need any help at this time with your mental well-being, then don’t hesitate to get in touch and we will do what we can to help.

Supporting transition back to school

Mindfulness calendar

Self-care activity pack

Going back to school

Video from a clinical psychologist offering straightforward, important suggestions to deal with any potential apprehension or anxiety children may experience on returning to school

Letting go and future plans

My back to school bubble e-book

Preparing your child for the first day back at school