At Keep Hatch, we are proud of our exciting science curriculum which promotes a true love of Science. Children are naturally curious and ask many questions about the world around them. Science at Keep Hatch is what children do to help understand the world around them starting with what the children already know. Teachers support children to develop their curiosity for scientific exploration, so that by the time they leave in year 6, children can work independently and collaboratively. Science at Keep Hatch develops children’s perseverance skills so that they can take risks and develop their resilience. We foster a healthy interest about the universe and world around them and teach them the scientific skills, knowledge and concepts they need, through practical experiences. Science enquiry is delivered though a well-sequenced curriculum where children apply what they know to draw conclusions. ‘Doing’ of science at Keep Hatch is engaging and exciting We emphasise the importance of asking questions through practical work and collaborative learning to develop skills of scientific enquiry. Broadening their scientific vocabulary is key so they can articulate their findings and have the language needed to explain what they have discovered. There is a range of different investigations to motivate and ignite curiosity in the minds of our children:
1. Fair testing eg. How does changing the height of a ramp affect the speed of a car?
2. Observations over time eg. What happens to a seed when it germinates?
3. Pattern seeking eg. Do we all have the same size hands?
4. Identifying and classifying eg. What do different animals eat?
5. Secondary Research or talking to an expert eg. How do we know how old a tree is?
Through encouraging our pupils to experiment, reflect, ask questions and take risks within a safe environment, we aim to develop their core scientific skills and equip them for the ever-changing world around them. Our vision is for all pupils to feel challenged and stimulated by their experiences in order to become confident, life-long scientific learners.