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The School Day

School day and Structure

The building is open from 8:40am and school starts at 8:50am. Lessons end at 3:20pm and the children leave shortly afterwards unless they are staying for an after-school activity. This equates to a total time of 32.5 hours in school per week.

8.40am Doors open

8.50am Registration and lessons start

10:20am – 10:40am EYFS and KS1 Morning Break (children taken out by the teachers to complement the learning timetable)

10.45am – 11:05am KS2 Morning break (children taken out by the teachers to complement the learning timetable)

11:45am – 12:45pm EYFS Lunch

12:00pm – 1:00pm KS1 Lunch

12:10pm – 1:10pm  KS2  Lunch

The school teaching day finishes at 3.20pm; children will then collect their belongings and be led out by their teacher. If you are delayed for any reason, please contact us so that we can arrange for your child to wait in the office for collection.

(See School clubs for information about activities before, during and after school.)

School closure

In the event of snow/bad weather the decision to close the school will be made purely on safety grounds: the school site is safe for the children and that there are sufficient staff in school to ensure the safety of the children.

All reasonable steps will be taken to notify parents in advance.  Where there is some doubt about the situation for the next working day, parents are advised to listen to local radio stations and look on the school’s website and Facebook page.  The following radio stations will broadcast the list of schools that are closed.

The following radio stations are likely to have the best local information: