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PE and Sports Funding

Sports Funding 2024-2025

The Government is continuing to provide additional funding to support the delivery of PE and sport in primary schools by providing dedicated resource to buy in valuable expertise and support.

Please see the updated Sports Funding report for the academic year 2023-2024.

Competition successes


Keep Hatch has previously had pleasing success with both their boys and girls football teams.

Both boys’ football teams and the girls’ team additionally took part in the Wokingham District Primary Schools Tournaments. A the end of the last possible competitive season, the boys’ A team won five matches, lost two and drew one, placing them in 4th place in their group. The boys’ B team matched their success, also gaining 4th place in their group.

Cross Country

Since September 2015, Keep Hatch has been competing in the Thames Valley running league cross-country events in division 2. Since starting, the club has grown in numbers and we have started the daily mile. We have had such great success that, in 2019, we were promoted up to division 1. Our most recent results for winning the division 2 league were:

  • Years 3 and 4 girls 2nd place
  • Years 3 and 4 boys 2nd place
  • Years 5 and 6 girls 5th place
  • Years 5 and 6 boys 1st place

We came 1st overall out of 14 schools when we were last able to compete, and won the division 2 league. At that point, we were placed in division 1!


Keep Hatch regularly competes in the Wokingham & District Primary Schools Athletic Association Annual Sports Day. We took part in sprints, long distance sprints, long jump, high jump and throwing. We also ran in relays teams. Our results for this year were:

  • Girls 14th
  • Boys 18th

and our overall result was 18th.


With a greater focus on children’s physical development, Keep Hatch runs competitions where the children compete to earn points for their houses within their PE lessons. This encourages both a sense of competition and working as a team. They compete in ball skills, indoor athletics and gymnastics, a swimming gala and in the sports day races.

Inspiring a healthy and active lifestyle

All children take part in ‘Hatchercise’ throughout ttheir week in school. This includes various activities such as running or walking a mile, Joe Wicks online videos, Super movers, Boogie Beebies dances, Wake up shake up videos and many more to encourage the children to move every day. We have previously invited local personal trainers and a GB athlete into school to visit each class to talk about ways to keep healthy, the importance of daily activity and tips for running the daily mile. Daily physical activity is an important part of our children’s curriculum.

Real Legacy

Keep Hatch is working closely with Create Development to improve our PE scheme of work. We are now a Real Legacy school. This means that, in all competitions (regardless of the level of success) and in curriculum PE, our children have built great determination and resilience as well as important learning behaviours that transfer into the classroom. We promote this using cogs and recognising that that each child is an individual and works at his/her own pace. Children also work on different cogs to be able to succeed in their challenge or skill. Our new PE curriculum (Real PE and Real Gym) focuses on the whole child, team building, developing the skills to support others, taking responsibility for his/her own goals and achievements, and a big ethos of perseverance and challenge. We plan to include Real play and Real leaders into our offering around being active and encourage families to join in.

Invaluable Parental Support

Many parents volunteer to transport the children to sporting events; without this support we would have to limit the number of events in which we compete as costs could be prohibitive, and we would have less funding available for specialist teaching and/or CPD.
The Parents’ Association contributes some funding towards maintaining a safe and attractive swimming pool area.

The Swimming Pool

Keep Hatch’s commitment to provide a full range of sporting activities means that all year groups have access to the swimming pool as part of curriculum PE during the second half of the summer term. Appropriate training for staff is part of our annual CPD programme and is updated every year.
The pool is also used for community activities:

  • the Parents’ Association organise after-school and holiday swimming
  • the local cub scout group uses it in July

Our Next Steps

We plan to:

  • begin Real play and Real leaders training to promote being more active at home
  • encourage the children to take on personal responsibility of being active
  • take part in more competitions in various sports